Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Church is Everywhere!! (Worship In Spirit)

Timothy  2:8   I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

Sermom on the Mount
John  4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

Christ came to commision to us the true Gospel of Real Worship to God which is in Spirit and not determined by fleshly reasoning. We have in ourselves to be thankful and reformed from the inner man to the outward.

We are redeemed from the furse of the law that deemed us unworthy and we are now worthy by Christ Jesus and not Our Own Efforts.

What we do and the law has no effect on the blessing of God any more. It is all about Our Gracefuly given salvation that apply's at all times, in all places, which is why we are to lift up Holy Hands everywhere because thats wat we want to do.

The law dictates that we must be Holy and righteous, but we have been placed under a new tutor which is the Spirit whom IMPARTS righteousness instead of demanding it from us in rules and regulations.

We are a new creation led by the Spirit and not by the law. We walk in Faith of Gods Spoken Word and promise that BY HIS GRACE we survive and overcome ALL things natural and Supernatural.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

A story of Two men - (2013 New Years Resolve and Resolution)

There were once two men who Got to Heaven as they died in a plane crash. One was a devout Christian His whole life and lived humbly before the Lord who fasted and tithed withouit fail but would not contribute His time to talk t strangers or the unsaved. He entered a classroom where they teach the Ways of God for beginers.
The other man however was addicted to drugs for some of His life and an Alcoholic for the Rest. They asked Him How He made it to the advanced class and He said "I realized Christ died for All people the first time i heard it and i never forgot it. I always gave my friendw unconditional love no matter how messed up they were to me and on the night of the crash i tipped my air hostes the majority of my wallet because i was tipsy and only on the verge of flirting with Her, i decided not to when i realized that Jesus Loves Her too. She's a good friend of mine now in eternity."

Remember God doesnt see your circumstance the same way we do with all the problems, faults, divisions or strifes of worldliness. We are blessed with a God who Has a place for each and every one of us regardless of the mild or extreme differences in our "behaviors" or individuality.

God see's all that you do in your Heart and what you are mostly thinkin about. When its Him we are blessed with an oportunity to recieve from Him. He is Faithful beyond death in the resurrection of His Son and the Surpassing Grace of His Love.

So this year, spend more time dwelling on the truth that God loves us unconditionaly. Keep each day in the word of God and recieve His infinite blessing of eternal Life!!
