Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Church is Everywhere!! (Worship In Spirit)

Timothy  2:8   I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

Sermom on the Mount
John  4:21 Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

Christ came to commision to us the true Gospel of Real Worship to God which is in Spirit and not determined by fleshly reasoning. We have in ourselves to be thankful and reformed from the inner man to the outward.

We are redeemed from the furse of the law that deemed us unworthy and we are now worthy by Christ Jesus and not Our Own Efforts.

What we do and the law has no effect on the blessing of God any more. It is all about Our Gracefuly given salvation that apply's at all times, in all places, which is why we are to lift up Holy Hands everywhere because thats wat we want to do.

The law dictates that we must be Holy and righteous, but we have been placed under a new tutor which is the Spirit whom IMPARTS righteousness instead of demanding it from us in rules and regulations.

We are a new creation led by the Spirit and not by the law. We walk in Faith of Gods Spoken Word and promise that BY HIS GRACE we survive and overcome ALL things natural and Supernatural.


Thursday, January 3, 2013

A story of Two men - (2013 New Years Resolve and Resolution)

There were once two men who Got to Heaven as they died in a plane crash. One was a devout Christian His whole life and lived humbly before the Lord who fasted and tithed withouit fail but would not contribute His time to talk t strangers or the unsaved. He entered a classroom where they teach the Ways of God for beginers.
The other man however was addicted to drugs for some of His life and an Alcoholic for the Rest. They asked Him How He made it to the advanced class and He said "I realized Christ died for All people the first time i heard it and i never forgot it. I always gave my friendw unconditional love no matter how messed up they were to me and on the night of the crash i tipped my air hostes the majority of my wallet because i was tipsy and only on the verge of flirting with Her, i decided not to when i realized that Jesus Loves Her too. She's a good friend of mine now in eternity."

Remember God doesnt see your circumstance the same way we do with all the problems, faults, divisions or strifes of worldliness. We are blessed with a God who Has a place for each and every one of us regardless of the mild or extreme differences in our "behaviors" or individuality.

God see's all that you do in your Heart and what you are mostly thinkin about. When its Him we are blessed with an oportunity to recieve from Him. He is Faithful beyond death in the resurrection of His Son and the Surpassing Grace of His Love.

So this year, spend more time dwelling on the truth that God loves us unconditionaly. Keep each day in the word of God and recieve His infinite blessing of eternal Life!!


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Race For The Prize IN JESUS, not the world

When you look at all the races that the world runs, from sports to athletics, from success to entertainment, there is the MOST important seed of Truth that Jesus shines His Light through as He teaches us all to live in the Unity of the Love of God, AT PEACE, IN FAITH, WITH LOVE, Grace and TOGETHER Overcoming all the obstacles and pitfalls of worldliness.

Corinthians 9:24 Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.

Obtain (Recieve) That Gift which Jesus Christ Has earned for us to freely

Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

Shortlived are the fruits of unrighteousness, the fading vanity of a world that looks to death and not life. Seek rather the Everlasting Kingdom of God and the True Everlasting Riches of Heaven, The Freely Recieved Gift of Everlasting Life in Jesus Christ.

Hebrews 12:1 Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 13:3 Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.

Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. 

Heb 13:9 Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines. For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein.

We can take a look at a "100 meter sprint" race and we get a clear picture of what the spectating, and lot casting of the world does that impares our vision of the True Love God Brings into our Lives. But Clearer is the Revelation Of Gods Love for ALL.

1 - God does not make anyone compete for His Love.

2 - as He is molding us into who He had destined for us to be we also know that He is ALSO molding others and that it is ALL done by HIS Grace, not by our own efforts nor any of the comparative obligation of worldly ruling.

3 - The Free Gift Jesus gave us is Redemption and Revelation of His Salvation for ALL without a false sense of deserving for in fact, as all have sinned and fall short of the Grace of God, none were deserving but ALL Have been freely Given the Free Gift which is in Christ Jesus ALONE, In HIS one and perfect sacrifice that all may confess and give thanks to Our God and Saviour who is Truly Worthy and FULL of Love, bringing us not condemnation but REDEMPTION in Eternal Salvation.

With these 3 points & more, The picture of a "race" quickly changes when you can now see brothers carrying each other to the finish line, overcoming the battle of "self" and the TRUE picture of He who Has won ALL battles for us, who overcame the world for us so that IN HIM we Have been freely given the Gift of Eternal Redemption.

Beyond these material things, privledges, possitions, and in spite of compromising or comparing proportion, we Have Been Given Gods Disroportionate Grace in Jesus Christ in whom is The Supernatral Sufficiency of His Supernatural Grace in His Overflowing Supernatral Love for Us all, to us all and Through Us All.

It is written and God Speaks "I shall pour my spirit out upon all flesh" and "I will lay a stumbling block, a rock of foundation in Zion, that those who believe on Him will not be put to shame". "The stone that the builder rejected has become the chief cornerstone" and througy Him we have remission of Sins and clear conscience.

In Jesus Christ we are DELIVERED from the perversities of the world and brought into The Abounding Grace of God and His Unmerited Favor toward us who believe. He Works through us His Light and Manifest Glory, His Love, compassion and the Fruits of The Spirit, all things being possible through Christ in whom and which are ONLY Good and LIGHT.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Awakening to the Gifts in Jesus

I know each of us understand when first having the experience of Walking in the Spirit, we feel as if we are a little "tempered" to the world having had the change of mind to deny the limitations of the flesh.

Having Open eyes to the Spirit we begin to see MORE value in the Gifts God has Graced us with Spiritualy. The Compassion, passion of His abundance becomes our focus and we are no longer lack oriented nor are we ever "keyed in" to highlight or draw attention to or from any negatives, because We KNOW Jesus Has Overcome all things and blessed ALL exceedingly above and beyond what we ask and think.

In Christ we have an OVERFLOW FOCUS and all we draw from is Gods abundance which is His Grace, His Mercy and His Love.

In Him is ONLY Light, and in That we are Ourselves like Him full of Light and Goodness.

In Him who has no condemnation we abide and so ourselves have no condemnation in us. We are liberated and liberating in Spirt away from the flesh and free of the push and pull pressures of the world.

We are raised into a Heavenly Kingdom in Christ Jesus Full of Joy without worry because we know and believe that Our God can handle ALL that He has created for us to overcome as we put all of our focus on Him and Him alone for all it is that we need, for all whom we desire for Him to touch with His Goodness, and with all we have been given through Him through who all things are made.

With Faith in Him we are guided inwardly and outwardly in the Grace of His Abounding Goodness, steadfast in the Light of His Glory Shining Through us and surrounding us with mercy.

In Mercy His Gifts are also made manifest. We Pursue Love because in Love we find HIM who gives us those Gifts. God is Love and He Shines the Light of His Love in and through those Gifts.

We use those gifts for EDIFICATION of the Church knowing that tge Church is a body of many members, Brothers and Sisters in Him.

We seek the best gifts knowing and seeing that the best gift is LOVE and in that LOVE is Gods ABUNDANCE, HIS Grace and HIS Glory.


Ephesians 4:8 Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men

1Cor  12:4 Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit

1Cor 14:1 Follow after charity, and desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy

1Cor 14:12 Even so ye, forasmuch as ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church

Rom 12:6 Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

God Loves All : He Will Help You Give

A Real world lesson : God Loves ALL regardless of difference

You would have experienced this since high school, or even just having had to prepare or purchase food.

When it comes to commitments like marriage, some people are reluctant to see beyond the imediate benefits of having someone to give gifts. Im only going to talk about presents so God will give you the revelation of yourself.

Its in everyones heart about the one they love and being able to show them a sign of appreciation in giving. Maybe its that gift you always wanted like being able to treat one another to Good food or a Good time somewhere at a retreat.

Its Good to be able to see the abundance God Has Given us in each other in such relationships and be able to now take a step beyond seeing that "privledge" as something you can do for another person who has less.

Maybe you can relate to a young couple forfeiting a honeymoon cheque to pay someones way to school or giving a night out at a restaurant to some friends who werent close enough to the owners to get a discount.

Beyond the Gesture we see the Light of the Truth that "we seek first the kingdom of God and let all else follow".

Its MOST important to remember that God see's the Hearts abundance and Brings forth the fruits of His kingdom in all of us. He Loves us all beyond what we have or dont have in that HE is our Faithful provider.

Its also important to know that God is a God of ABUNDANCE and He Glories in bringing that abundance to us and through us.

Its Good to remember *coz i said marriages for this 1* that Gods going to bless you so you can bless others, but at any time when theres something you don't have, God will bless you with that abundance in what you do have.

In Him is Yes and ONLY Light, Only Love and Fruitful Might.

Be Blessee knowing God can Handle it ALL for us, stress, lack and compromise free because even when we fail or fall short He will never!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Give God ALL Your Intimacy

God Given Intimacy is a very important part of life. This is why God tells us to guard our Hearts meaning to keep ALL our intimacy WITH HIM.

A lot of battles are waged within because of things like offence and trespass as where it is written "Men war because of the passions in their members" meaning the fleshly shortfalls of the heart in trial. We know the flesh is weak but we have overcome ALL in Christ Jesus.

The Lord in His one and perfect sacrifice has broken the middle wall of separation making ONE new man, the new creation IN HIM resurrected into Everlasting Life.

Because we run a race that is NOT of the world, as those races are of the flesh, Our overcoming is in the Passionate Grace of God and the Compassion of the Equity He brings to us (Psalm 82) by redeming us from the curse of "fleshly comparison" that the law brings. That very log and speck Jesus Spoke of is Revealed in the rebelion that such an outlook wields in its unjust and unrighteous scaling of judgement.

Intimacy with God is in all our relationships beggining with HIM, and Based on HIS commitment to us. He is Faithful in this even where we arent, feel as if we cant or fall shott because of temptation and sin.

That is why Jesus Christ died for us, because in our own strenght we are weak but in our weakness HE is strong in us. Just knowing this completely changes our standing of "self" and we can then be free from those looming opinionated demonizations of the world that stem from negativity and strive on a sense of failure.

Romans  3:3 For what if some did not believe? shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?

Its important to know that even when many were still sinners, Jesus came and died for us, even for we who we're not yet here on earth are redeemed against ALL odd or even circumstances, situations as well as those ahead of us.

It is the Grace of God - Jesus Christ - whom surrounds and fills ALL our intimacies regardless of what we feel for from any low points HE exhalts and strengthens us.

If not taken and understood in Gods Vision and Promise, Things that damage or hurt peoples hearts and Ideas of Love, like success battles, Fearful overcomings, and even intimate Points of commitment in Life contribute "collectively", dumping a lot of missunderstanding in peoples ideas of sex and marriage because of "interpersonal" relationship and the general collectivity of the outlook you share with whoever you do.

This is why we keep a CHRIST LIKE mind and Heart which is transformed IN JESUS instead of conformed or adapted to the world.

The world compromises with faith because of the fleshly appearance of circumstance or situation subjected to fear of its own agenda's. Gods Word is His Will and His will is His Word and there is where we abide in FAITH. Just as He is ONLY Light so is His Word Only LIGHT and LOVE Evelasting to Everlasting.

We resist the Flesh and Walk In Spirit, free from condemnation taking no delight or particulation of it, but redeeming the times to and through Righteousness toward the Kindom of God in His Love Outpouring through all we do and are.

It is Good to deviate from the world and to Walk and share with others the Righteousness of Jesus Christ in the FORGIVENESS and revelation of redemption in the Cross.

Eternal life is Given Freely and God Outpours through us and to Us in His unending Love.

Give God ALL your intimacy and find IN HIM more than you yourself could think or do. Live without limited love and Embrace the Grace of His GIFT toward us and therefore FOR us.

With all our desires in HIS Desires which are MUCH MORE, all we desire is fulfilled IN HIM.

Let us LOVE and in doing LIVE. :-D


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Living Above Usury

The "thing" about usury, is that it begins to falsify a state of "value awareness" in your consciousness around those things you think to be or know as deemed important. Sub-consciously it tries to attach itself to your "peripheral value" which is sustained by the long term vision that Jesus Gives us in LIGHT beyond Darkness.

Don't Let the Darkness of passing away and fading away distort your sight into God Given Redemption and the Salvation of Jesus which is a FREE Gift in the Spirit, Manifest in and beyond the Physical in the prophetic promise of Gods Word bringing us that abundantly and overflowingly Graceful Love of His Kingdom, what we TRULY Live for, and indeed have been redeemed from death, hell and the grave in His Resurrsction and ascension, raising us up to LIFE EVERLASTING.

With Jesus we live ABOVE Usury, and not as victims of or in it. We rely on Gods overflowing abundance and His Faithful provision in Christ which is Given to us Freely and Gracefuly in the Redemption of the Cross.

We and all we are given are covered in the blood of the Cross and Sanctified by and in the Resurrection into Everlasting Life.

Keep your relationships free of the bad seed of "granted" that tries to sneak in your bag. Trust God will uproot all the thornbushes from your already abundant harvest of the Fruits of His Spirit.

Word Seed of His Resurrection Light and Glory are everlasting within us. Praise the Lord for the everlasting water He Out pours into our Hearts Garden that we may never thirst or lack. He wants us Supernaturaly and Gracefuly Blessed.

Jesus has freed us from the curses that tried to keep our spirits in bondage and slaves to sin. We are now Slaves to Righteousness and Free'd Men in Spirit above all principality and power.

We are IN CHRIST and IN the Love of GOD, Blessed with the blessing overflow of His Kingdom Goodness made manifest into our mortal bodies, the Spirt of Christ, Revelation and Manifest Redemption, the True Everlasting Salvation.

Embrace The Grace and Rest in KNOWING, Were Blessed in HIS Heavenly Overflowing. The abundance of God is what we abide in Spiritualy beyond Physicaly, and that is in FAITH.

Be Blessed knowing your abundance is Aranged by Heaven and Ordained by the blood of Jesus.
#Priceless - Redeemed in Spirit

shalom shabbat